
Pillar Coaching 的願景是通過教練學Coaching 支持整個人的發展(思维、 體驗和執行力)。 這只能通過培養像您這樣的人來實現,因您已經熱愛支持人們的成長,並可以使用這些基本技能來提高效率和影響力。

我想向您展示如何成為一名認證的 ICF 專業教練。 請計劃在 2 月 25 日上午 10-11:30 通過 zoom 免費網絡研討會 “讓教練成為你的第二職業” 中與我見面。

它是免費的,但您必須註冊。 可以的話請來! 我很想見到您!

立即登記!! https://forms.gle/6Gdaz9aPdPBJSPZQ6

Make Coaching Your Second Career

Our vision at Pillar Coaching is to support the whole person development (mind, experience and action) through coaching. This can only be accomplished by training people like you, who already have a love for supporting people’s growth and could use some basic skills to be even more effective and impactful.

I would like to show you what it takes to become a certified ICF Professional Coach. Please make plans to meet me on free webinar “Make Coaching Your Second Career” on 25 February, 10-11:30am via zoom.

It is free, but you do have to register.  Please come if possible! I’d love to meet you!

Register now!! https://forms.gle/6Gdaz9aPdPBJSPZQ6

熊淑宜 Gloria Hung
ICF 國際教練聯合會, MCC 大師認證教練
Pillar Coaching首席培訓師