Coaching Supervision

《 Coaching Supervision 督導》— “你是誰”就是你教練的方式




Supervision – who you are is how you coachSupervision is a place to bring our concerns and achievements, our ideas for exploration and our questions for enrichment. Such space would be at the heart of our coaching practices, and keep us centered, resilient and energized.

Group supervision is ideal for those starting out on their coaching journey, as well as those more established in the profession. The mix of perspectives that comes from the varied backgrounds and approaches creates a rich learning environment for supervision.

In this 90 minutes session, we have an opportunity to have first hand experience about the context of the group supervision and how we can use individual as well collective wisdom to support each other to work through issues and understand difficulties. Coaches usually leave feeling confident and energized to return to their practices.

活動詳情 Event Detail

Ms. Gloria Hung, MCC

Date 日期: 18th Aug 2022

Time 時間: 9:00-10:30pm

Ticket 票價: FREE 免費

Language 語言: Cantonese 廣東話


我們熱烈歡迎有經驗的教練和新加入這個行業的教練加入。請提前15分鐘到達會場。這段時間可以進行交流,我們將花時間在開始時 “到達 “和 “集中”。

We warmly welcome experienced coaches and also those new to the profession to join. Please arrive 15 minutes early for sessions, if possible. This time enables networking, and we will take time to ‘arrive’ and ‘centre’ when we start.