Date & Time 日期/時間

28 June 2024, 8pm


ZOOM 線上工作坊

語言: 國語 (輔助以英文/廣東話)



ICF Team Coaching Program ACTC

– 我們怎樣才能快速大幅提升組織績效?
– 在組織轉型過程中,有哪些已知的陷阱,我們該如何避免?
– 如何確保績效改進能够持久?
– 如何創建一種持續變革的文化,幫助我們在不斷變化的世界中保持競爭優勢?

如果這些議題你感到興趣,快來參加我們的 90 分鐘分享會,體驗團隊教練如何支持組織成長,以及團隊教練是否適合您。

Trainer: 熊淑宜 Gloria Hung

BA, MBA, ICF MCC, EMCC Team Coach , MD of Magnet International Training & Consulting Co Ltd
Gloria worked for American President Lines in the Asia-Pacific region for 10 years in administration and management,
then moved into consulting, providing professional coaching skills, business management and training in Shanghai,
Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau for more than 20 years,
Ms. Hung has conducted comprehensive research on Enneagram, coaching techniques, business management and serves
as the teaching faculty in HKUSPACE (2003 – 2024). Focusing on the integration of knowledge and practice, she has
studied team coaching and its application with Peter Hawkins, David Clutterbuck, and Tammy Turner in the context of
“mobilizing people’s mindset”, “applying skills in the day to day”, and “sustaining team system enhancement”.

Trainer : 魏海燕 Haiyan Wei

PhD, ICF MCC, ICF ACTC, Founder of Inquiry Inc. Shanghai
Haiyan has rich working experience in corporate universities and business schools, and is also a successful entrepreneur.
She has been studying/practicing leadership development for over 20 years, accompanying all kinds of leaders in their
personal and team’s continuous growth and development. Her work focuses on executive coaching and executive team
coaching, as well as supervision of various professional coaches. She is an advocate of cultivating “leaders with soul”;
she advocates that “every professional coach needs the companionship and support of coaching and supervision
throughout his/her life”. She introduces Ken Wilber’s AQAL concept into coaching and develops a systematic
transformational model for leadership development, consciousness evolution and organizational development, which
includes the internal state and self-evolution of the individual, team dynamics and team effectiveness, as well as the
well-being of the whole system.
Team Coaching Related Learning Experiences: ORSC, Systemic Team Coaching (STC), High Performance Team
Coaching, SPT (Presencing Institute), CLA (The Leadership Circle), The Whole Leader, ToP, CSA (Grape People), AoH,
Making the Difference (Group Relations China). 4D Team Leadership, and more.
Who Needs the Training?
Professional coaches: to understand team-related theories and methods to serve the team/groups
Team leaders: to understand group dynamics and activate team dynamics
Human resource experts, organizational consultants, trainers, facilitators: to understand the key points of high-performance teams and support internal teams to grow high-performance teams
Enroll Now
  • Date 日期

    28 June 2024

  • Time 時間


  • 型式

    ZOOM 線上工作坊 : 國語 (輔助以英文/廣東話)

  • Fee 費用

